Many of the popular beliefs about lice are false and, in a way, cause us not to treat them properly. Head lice, for example, is not related to poor hygiene, something that was thought in the past, so it should not be a reason for shame. But this is just one of the wrong myths surrounding the pediculosis phenomenon.
1. Lice are spread due to poor hygiene: False
Lice actually prefer clean heads because they can more easily reach the scalp.
2. Nits are spread: False
Nits, lice eggs, are not spread, only lice can be spread.
3. All products and lotions eliminate lice quickly: False
Many pediculicides no longer kill the lice or the nits. Its continuous use has generated defenses to the louse to protect itself and become resistant to these products.
4. Vinegar removes lice and nits: False
The vinegar works by dissolving the substance that keeps the lice eggs attached to the hair. Its application can help, but it does not by itself eliminate the problem of lice.
5. Lice prefer long hair: False
The length of the hair does not influence, but it is true that girls are more prone to getting lice because they are more likely to have close contact with each other
6. All treatments can be used preventively: False.
Chemical treatments can generate resistance if used prior to infestation.